
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Making a memory

Today was a special memory for me. This memory took place in our home at our dining room table. Our table is special because it's been in our family, husband's side, for at least 80 yrs. But this memory has to do with family people, not family things!

Bryan, Luke, & I were having lunch after church as we have done many times! We were having a conversation about music - surprise, surprise! Luke randomly commented that I should listen to some 'Reggae' music for relaxation! Now I love music, but 'Reggae' is not my idea of relaxing music! Anyway, I mentioned my ocean waves CD & 'Sleep sound in Jesus' by Michael Card. 'Sleep sound in Jesus' is a lullaby CD that we listened to when the boys were small.

Luke said listening to that CD was one of his earliest childhood memories! He also said he remembered me singing some of the songs to him & Jeremy. One of their favorites was the 'Barocha'. (from the Old Testament blessing). As a Mom, it was a very special moment when Luke said he remembered the music from his childhood!

This memory is even more special since Luke is home from Iraq on leave. Thank you God for the blessing of my sons!


The Hunter said...

Please pass on to Luke and his buddies that we appreciate their service to our nation, and keep them in our prayers.

My concern is that our government leads our service personnel to believe that it will do a great deal for them as veterans, but our government is not taking the steps necessary now to make good on those promises later. Too many of our politicians are too busy taking care of themselves and their cronies.

Reggae is something I find I have to be in the mood for.

Anonymous said...

Great first blog. I'm glad you finally did it. Keep it up.

Bryan said...

Good first post dear! I well remember lying in bed putting the boys to sleep and listening to Michael Card's CD.Great memories and we ought to dig out the CD and play it in our room!

Great pic of the lukester!
